Lynne and Ian walk and talk (INTRO VIDEO)

Lynne and Ian walk and talk (INTRO VIDEO)

LINIAN directors Lynne Jhangeer and Ian Arbuckle discuss all things LINIAN, including working with family, navigating a business through the pandemic, and mental health. An introductory video for a new series showing you behind the scenes at LINIAN.

Filmed on a mobile phone on location in Glasgow.


IA: So, Lynne and I take a wee walk every day at 10 O’clock, out in nature. It’s one of the positive things that’s come out of the pandemic. We get to have a chat with each other, we’re brother and sister, and it is occasionally nice to talk to your sister and we get to talk about the business and where we’re at. It’s a directors meeting, but it's out here in the beautiful sunshine in bonnie Scotland.

LJ: Which we do get! We just wanted to prove that we actually do sometimes get sunshine here.

IA: That’s true, part of this video is to show that the sun does shine in Scotland occasionally.

IA: So, we thought it would be cool if, for the next 20 or so weeks, we brought you guys out, once a week, to the meeting, and we’ll have a chat about what we’re doing, and what’s coming up, and you guys can share the beautiful Scottish scenery IF the suns out. We have this walk, rain, snow or shine, it's mostly rain and snow, to be honest with you, but summer is here, so here’s hoping for some good weather.

LJ: Ach, do you know, I think, what everybody has learned in this pandemic is that it doesn’t matter what the weather is like, it’s that bit of breathing space from life, from work in general, to catch up a bit.

IA: Absolutely, the benefit to both of our mental health from having the space to come out. Working from home has been overwhelmingly positive for every member of our team that’s been able to do it. We’ve got a member of our team who is able to go and work from Ireland in the summer for an extended period of time, quite happily, so, it’s been great in that sense. We have been able to pull a positive thing out of the terrible situation that has been this pandemic.

IA: So, we’ll see you guys, once a week, for 20 weeks.

LJ: Yep, and during that course, you’ll hear how we’ve learned, I guess, to split down all our business objectives into daily, weekly and monthly goals that we try and achieve ourselves, and with the team. And there are a few topics we’ll probably cover - a wee bit of insight into how we’ve navigated the pandemic, a wee bit of insight about some of the decisions we’ve had to make during the pandemic, about where we’ve been, and more excitingly, where we’re going. So yeah, we hope this will be of interest to you and we hope you’ll join us over the next 20 weeks as we share some bits and pieces of life at LINIAN.

IA: And pray for the weather! Cheers.